Cramped living space for families at PPRs where the living room, dining room and sometimes bedroom bleed into one another.
Jan Gehl, a global leader in people centred urban design said in his TED Talk, "We know much about good habitat for mountain gorillas. We know much about good habitat for Siberian tigers. But we hardly know anything about good urban habitat for homo sapiens."
A subtle shift in mindset has taken place over the years. It has awakened the resolve to ensure homes, particularly for the urban poor, reflect the society's evolution and race to modernisation, boasting people-centric urbanisation that is sustainable, liveable and progressive.
As Malaysia urbanises and systematically expands within the parameters of limited land, challenges of creating homes, especially for the B40 communities is a priority. Access to housing must transcend from a shelter provision towards a space that protects and accords an inclusive, safe and clean environment which promotes access to opportunities, and facilitates upward social mobility.