An overview of the Pentas Seni Merdeka event beside Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad, which is one of the highlights of Kreatif KL Festival. — Photos: LEW GUAN XI/The Star and courtesy of Think City.

Taking Kuala Lumpur To Greater Artistic Heights
The Star Metro, 19 Nov 2024

AS the capital city, Kuala Lumpur initially functioned as the nation’s trade, government, financial and judicial hub.

However, decentralisation caused people to move out of its inner city area to new townships.

Over time, these shifts and the administrative capital moving to Putrajaya led to many of Kuala Lumpur’s historical buildings being left vacant and decaying.

The capital needed rejuvenation and to be repurposed.

With this in mind, urban regeneration organisation Think City started a city restoration project that was formalised in 2019 as the Kuala Lumpur Creative and Cultural District (KLCCD) strategic masterplan.

Established in 2009, we are an impact organisation delivering on urban policy advisory, urban projects and venture building with the sustainable development goals as our guide.
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