Kita-untuk-Kita (K2K) Programme

Kita-untuk-Kita (K2K) Programme

K2K is a programme by Think City, co-developed with the World Bank aiming to facilitate poverty exit and reverse the social, economic and physical decay in public housing schemes.

The intervention programmes focus around three impact areas as below:

  1. Empower urban poor community in Public Housing
  2. Increase the standard of living and overall liveability for the community
  3. Provide policy input into the design of the next generation of sustainable public housing.

Programme Components

The projects encompasses the following four fields:

PPR Community Empowerment


  1. Build social cohesion
  2. Promote collaboration and collective action
  3. Enhance governance of community organisations


  • Improved sense of belonging
  • Inclusive and democratic participation in committees
  • Improved quality of life
  • Improved trust levels

Priority PPR Co-Management of Issues


  1. Build social cohesionIncrease community participation in PPR management
  2. Enhance governance and transparency of PPR management system
  3. Support problem-solving of key PPR priority issues as identified by the community
  4. Mainstream mechanism for community participation in co-management of PPR


  • Positive perception by the community of co-management
  • Positive perception by PPR management of co-management
  • Improved perception in the overall PPR management system
  • Priority PPR problems solved
  • Policies and processes implemented in PPR management (longer-term)

Empower PPR Income Generation


  1. Create job opportunities for PPR residents on-and off-site
  2. Increase PPR household income opportunities


  • Number of new jobs created off-site
  • Number of households with increased income on-site
  • Increased employment readiness
  • K2K Certification programme gains traction (longer-term)

Policy Reform & Advocacy


  1. Develop policy recommendations for improving lives for urban B40
  2. PPR insights –rapid new knowledge dissemination
  3. Awareness raising about living in B40 housing


  • Policy papers for existing and new built PPRs incorporating PPR community voices
  • Public housing conference

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